Why Native Plants?

What Are Native Plants?

Native plants are species that have evolved in a specific region over thousands of years, adapting to the local climate, soil, and wildlife.

Chattanooga native plants have the greatest chance to thrive without excessive maintenance, support biodiversity, and contribute to a healthier ecosystem.

Why Choose Native Plants for Your Landscape?

1. Low Maintenance & Cost Savings

Native plants are adapted to local conditions, meaning they require less watering, fertilizing, and pest control than non-native species.

This translates to lower maintenance costs and less time spent on upkeep.

2. Drought Resistance & Water Conservation

Because native plants have evolved with Chattanooga’s natural rainfall patterns, they typically require little to no supplemental watering once established.

This reduces water consumption and helps protect local waterways from excess runoff.

3. Support for Pollinators & Wildlife

Native plants provide essential food and shelter for pollinators like bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds, as well as local wildlife.

By planting native species, you contribute to the health of Tennessee’s natural ecosystems.

Don’t be fooled – most “pollinator plants” aren’t equal. As you delve into the world of native plants, you’ll discover that most pollinator plants sold in nursery are either not native, or they have been hybridized into something “new” – a new color, size, shape, etc. that our local birds and pollinators haven’t yet adapted to. That takes tens of thousands of years…

These “pollinator plants” may attract honey bees or generalist bees in great quantity, however they don’t support the hundreds of other types of native bees that depend on us to provide for them.

They depend on us because we (humans) have taken over so much of the natural habitat these native species are accustomed to and their host plants are much less available due to loss, destruction, and lack of nursery availability, but that’s for another post.

The short of it is… if you can provide more native species of perennial plants vs non native or ornamental species, your garden now has the ability to support hundreds of our local birds and pollinators vs large quantities of just a few pollinators.

Your garden will become healthier, more diverse, and quite a joy to see all the new birds and pollinators you will attract.

4. Pest & Disease Resistance

Unlike exotic or ornamental plants (the ones you buy in the nursery), which can be vulnerable to local pests and diseases, native plants have developed natural defenses.

This means fewer pesticides, fertilizers, and maintenance, reducing harm to beneficial insects and the environment.

5. Improved Soil Health & Erosion Control

Many native plants have deep root systems that stabilize soil, prevent erosion, and improve water infiltration.

This creates a healthier soil balance and reduces the need for chemical fertilizers.

Addressing Common Questions & Misconceptions

“Will my yard look messy with native plants?”

Not at all! A well-designed native plant landscape can be just as visually appealing as a traditional garden.

By selecting the right plants and incorporating structure, Chattanooga Gardener creates landscapes that are both beautiful and beneficial.

Any yard will look messy without a plan, native plants don’t really have anything to do with messy or not.

If you look at the first 3 photos on this page, you’ll notice a habitat restoration project taking place.

We removed extensive amounts of Kudzu, which is invasive, not native, and we replanted it with a well designed native planting to protect the creek bed in the background from erosion, and create a welcoming habitat to all our native species traveling along the creek.

“Are native plants hard to find?”

While big-box garden centers may not carry a large selection, Chattanooga Gardener sources high-quality native plants specifically for our clients.

Our nursery ensures you have access to the best options for your yard.

Unfortunately, the words “pollinator friendly” and “native plant” are used much like the term “natural” at the grocery store.

It doesn’t mean a whole lot, it’s mostly jargon or trending industry terms that aren’t thoughtfully regulated.

And the truth is… most people don’t really know what a true seed grown native plant is and why that even matters opposed to something you can buy in the nursery called a “native plant”.

“Do native plants attract pests?”

Native plants do attract a much larger range of beneficial insects like pollinators, but they are generally more resistant to pests than exotic plants.

This means fewer infestations and less need for chemical treatments.

This works because the more diversity among insects in your yard, the greater balance will naturally occur.

If there is an excessive amount of a certain species, there will be a necessary counter species or predator species that will increase it’s quantity to take care of the pest.

Once the pest is gone, the ratios will reduce back to normal.

When you don’t have a native plant yard, you will never accumulate the species needed to neutralize invasive, or even native pests.

Diversity of regional plants is key to having a balanced yard.

“Will native plants survive in my yard?”

Yes! By choosing species suited to your specific soil, sunlight, and moisture levels, we ensure your native plant landscape thrives with minimal intervention.

However, it’s easy to plant the right plant in the wrong place and have it die or wither away slowly.

You may think the plants are no good or you don’t have a green thumb, but you just need a few tweaks to your method to make it all work more fluidly.

We’re always happy to help with that!

How to Get Started

Interested in transforming your yard with native plants? Or talking about simple strategies to help your garden require less maintenance?

Chattanooga Gardener specializes in designing, installing, and maintaining beautiful, eco-friendly gardens.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step toward a healthier, more sustainable, easier to manage outdoor space!

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